Middle Years (Grades 6 - 8)
Core Subjects of the Middle Years Program
- Language and Literature (English)
- Individuals and Societies (English and Chinese)
- Language Acquisition (Chinese)
- Mathematics (Chinese)
- Science (English)
- Design (English or Chinese)
- Performing and Visual Arts (English or Chinese)
- Physical and Health Education (Chinese)
Language and Literature (English)
Individuals and Societies (English and Chinese)
Language Acquisition (Chinese)
Mathematics (Chinese)
Science (English)
Design (English or Chinese)
Performing and Visual Arts (English or Chinese)
Physical and Health Education (Chinese)
Interdisciplinary Design
Our Middle Years Program's (MYP) interdisciplinary design benefits students in the following ways:
- Cultivating Bilingual Proficiency: Our unique approach incorporates both the Chinese and English languages in an interdisciplinary manner. This not only fosters bilingual proficiency but also enhances communication skills and intercultural understanding.
- Encouraging Creative Application of Knowledge: Our program inspires students to use their acquired knowledge creatively, promoting a deeper understanding of the world around them.
- Fostering Lifelong Learning Mindsets: At the core of the MYP is the development of lifelong learners. We nurture mental flexibility, ensuring our students are well-prepared to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.
- Embracing Intellectual Rigor in Multidisciplinary Studies: Intellectual rigor is a hallmark of the MYP. Our curriculum provides a holistic approach to studying complex issues and ideas, preparing students to engage with academic challenges that reflect the International Baccalaureate's high standards.
- Promoting Collaboration and Teamwork Across Disciplines: Collaboration and interdisciplinary learning are key components of the MYP framework. We emphasize the importance of teamwork as an essential life skill.
- Facilitating Knowledge Transfer and Application: The MYP encourages students to apply their knowledge effectively across various contexts. Our curriculum aligns with this by supporting the transfer of understanding, equipping students to excel in real-world situations.
Elements of the MYP
Key Concepts
The MYP is a conceptually driven framework that encourages students to connect concepts or ‘big ideas’ across subject groups with the world outside. All units use one key concept and a variety of related concepts to support conceptual teaching and learning.
Global Contexts
Through the subject areas listed above, students learn disciplinary skills to solve real-world problems that are identified in the IB's MYP Global Contexts.
Statements of Inquiry
All MYP units have a ‘statement of inquiry’. This is a meaningful statement that expresses the big idea of the unit, guides student inquiry, and prompts connections outside of the unit. It is constructed by combining the key and related concepts with the global context.
Learner Profiles
The IB has identified a set of ten attributes for the learner profile in order to nurture active, compassionate, and lifelong learners. These IB learner profile attributes are at the heart of all four IB programs and represent the IB’s mission in action.
Approaches to Learning
At YHIS, we prioritize developing essential 'Approaches to Learning' (ATLs) skills for our students. These skills encompass thinking, self-management, social, research, and communication abilities, all designed to empower students in learning how to learn. These ATLs are integral to our educational approach